Penganjur: EMPOWER, Women's Aid Organisation, Sisters in Islam, Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (JERIT), Suara Rakyat (SUARAM), Tenaganita, Centre for Independant Journalism (CIJ), Malaysia Youth and Students' Democratic Movement (DEMA), Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor and All Women’s Action Society.
Sambutan 100 tahun Hari Wanita Antarabangsa
Sabtu, 26 Mac 2011, 9.30pg – 12.00tghari,
Pasar Seni, Kuala Lumpur
Mengapa ‘Walk and Rawk for Change’
- Setiap hari, 10 orang wanita melaporkan kes berkaitan penderaan fizikal, seksual dan emosi;
- Sebanyak 9,575 kes perkosaan dilaporkan sepanjang 5 tahun;
- 4 orang wanita diperkosa di Malaysia setiap hari;
- Kes penderaan pekerja asing semakin meningkat;
- Kadar gaji minimum masih belum dikuatkuasakan di Malaysia;
- Gaji pekerja ladang wanita adalah jauh di bawah garis kemiskinan;
- Akta Pekerjaan telah diubahsuai sehingga mengenepikan hak wanita di tempat kerja;
- Perlembagaan Malaysia mengandungi klausa yang berterusan mendiskriminasikan wanita;
- Pengubahsuaian Akta Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam telah menidakkan hak-hak wanita Muslim;
- Penyertaan wanita dalam politik adalah kurang dari 10% sepanjang tempoh 20 tahun;
- Tiada peningkatan terhadap penyertaaan wanita dalam tenaga kerja, hanya 47% sepanjang tempoh 20 tahun;
- Isteri warga asing yang telah bermastautin di Malaysia selama 10 tahun masih dinafikan hak taraf penduduk tetap.
Mari sertai acara ini sekiranya ada ingin:-
- Dilihat, didengari dan diberi hak sama rata.
We want women’s voice and representation at all levels of decision making.
Organisers: EMPOWER, Women's Aid Organisation, Sisters in Islam, Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (JERIT), Suara Rakyat (SUARAM), Tenaganita, Centre for Independant Journalism (CIJ), Malaysia Youth and Students' Democratic Movement (DEMA), Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor and All Women’s Action Society.
100 years of women's struggles - in commemoration of International Women's Day
Saturday, March 26 · 9:30am - 12:30pm
Central Market, Kuala Lumpur
Why we MUST walk
- Everyday, 10 women report physical, emotional and sexual abuse;
- 9,575 statutory rape cases were reported over the past 5 years;
- Every day, four women are raped in Malaysia;
- Migrant workers are increasingly abused, tortured and enslaved;
- Basic, decent minimum wages do not yet exist for all Malaysians;
- Women in the plantation and informal sectors earn well below the poverty line;
- Amendments to the Employment Act remove work security and erode the rights women gained at work;
- The Federal Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, have clauses that continue to discriminate against women;
- Amendments to the Islamic Family Law Act have diminished the rights of Muslim women;
- Representation of women in politics has been less than 10% for the past 20 years;
- Women labour force participation has stagnated at 47% for the past 20 years;
- Foreign wives with more than 10 years of residency still denied permanent residence.
We walk because it is our right - to be seen, heard and respected as equals.
We walk for all women who remain hidden, silenced and discriminated.
We call upon ALL parliamentarians, state assembly persons, government representatives
AND the PEOPLE of Malaysia -- Make the Change.
We want women’s voice and representation
at all levels of decision making.
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