This article What are we teaching our young women? reminds me of a client.
He has passed away a few years ago hence this posting is not going to hurt his ego anymore. He was a widower. Saved every sen he earned but spent on cigarettes and beer. Met a woman of his dream, so he thought. You know, the feline type, wears skimpy blouse and shorts, purrs and loves close physical contact. Thirteen years younger than him. Registered their marriage against all the good old advice of his children and his drinking pals. What did they know? Love transgresses age gap. It’s between 2 consenting adults therefore the rest go fly kites!
Here comes the juicy part. The woman would ask for something from my client, usually right after he got his conjugal rights. Among others, an insurance policy for her benefit, a car under her name and a loan under my client’s name for her house. As he was talking, I could see where it was heading to and it was obvious to me that my client couldn’t see it then. Poor man!
As I’ve foreseen even before he has gotten down to the real issue, he was squeezed dry by her, physically [wink wink wink] and financially. Logically, she moved on to another “target” a.k.a. idiot/moron (I don’t mean mentally challenged though it’s close). I can’t believe there are so many targets these days. My client wanted to know how to recover his loss. I had to muster all the years of my discipline and training as a lawyer to control myself from bursting out with laughter and clapping my hands.
Anyway, I’ve successfully recovered part of his loss from that feline. As I recollect, the fees I charged him must’ve caused further loss and suffering. He didn’t complain though. I wanted to tell him this but didn’t have the courage, “You never suffer any loss, actually it’s just that you’ve overpaid for the sex. You had your share of fun so you shouldn’t complain”.
There, I’ve gotten it out of my chest after all these years! I’m sooo relieved...
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