Have to admit, I wasn’t fashion conscious when it comes to owning a handbag. I used to buy whatever bag that in my opinion will be long-lasting. Economical. As long as it won’t make me look like an aunty going to pasar. Anyway, my usual attire doesn’t match a branded handbag. In fact, expensive handbag doesn’t suit my personality.
Until one fateful day, while window shopping I saw that handbag on the display. It was sleek, black with purple lining and a lengthy silver strap. My eyes just couldn’t move elsewhere. Transfixed, mesmerised by it. Its price was beyond my means at that time. Out of my reach. Forget it, my instinct told me. So close yet so far away.
Resigned to my fate, I went back to my office in misery. But I couldn’t forget it. Something in me refused to give up. Suddenly I found a motivation to work extra hours.
After a few months, with enough cash but lacked of sleep, I bought the bag. Now, it’s mine! Never have I ever felt such satisfaction in my life!
Obsession seeped into my life. Took it wherever I went. Proudly showed to all my friends. Swallowed all the praises and feasted on their envious looks. Bought dresses, accessories and shoes just to suit it. Almost bought a new car for that.
Things changed when you least expected it. Sometimes you wish the spring will remain forever but autumn will arrive, then winter envelopes you with cold. The handbag began to hook on anything and everything that has a handle. The doorknob, the tree branch, the gate and even my car door. As if it refused to follow me anymore. Caused me to trip and fall a few times.
First frustrated, then devastated. What went wrong? I tugged, gently pulled and even tried to keep it in a safe place. Once change has occurred, things’ll never be the same.
Wisdom took over. Realised a handbag is a handbag. It’ll never be something beyond that, ever. It is not the same as money, a house or car. Money can provide for my needs. House, a roof over my head from the blazing sun and storms. I am free to go anywhere with my car. Not going to be miserable for a bag. Not anymore. I’ve given the wretched bag to another. There are many things in life that I can enjoy.
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