By Fireduck, 26 December 2009, 17:35 in reply to
Hrrrrmmmph! This is God.
You Malaysians are so fickle-minded. First to help you all along, I send you a decent fella Rahman. He was happy to serve you guys, but some of you were not happy and forced him out. Instead, you wanted a Brutus to lead you, so you got Razak instead. Now that one, I do not have much to do with. He led you guys on a divergent route from what was planned for Malaysia, but since you guys wanted him ..... oh well, you guys always want to learn the hard way.
But even I couldn't stand the fact that he got to lead us guys via the Brutus (mere mortal men came up with the term "brutish") way down the path I didn't mean for you guys to go. When it was time for him to return to answer for his time on earth, I decided to try and lead you guys out form the lost path. I sent you another decent fella, Hussein but aiyah, you Malaysians do not see the good I have meant for you, and again, you asked for another Brutus character. I tried to warn you guys that one Brutus will lead to another. You guys didn't listen. That Hussein guy had enough of you guys and quit on me, and you guys brought this real Brute (he's the mother of all Brutuses -- his name Maha should have alerted you) into the picture.
You must understand I endowed your country with riches far beyond gold and all that glitters. I endowed your country with a diversity of cultures some other countries would go out of their way to have. They value the beauty of the differences I'm able to come up with, and the intrinsic strength of such diversities. But sigh, again, you Malaysians do not appreciate that. Your mother-of-all-Brutuses tried to go against that wisdom and through his actions tried to cull that diversity and instead place upon you the ketuanan that even I cannot understand. I understand he even tried to masquerade as me in his 22 years lording over you guys. Sorry there, I had to let you guys learn the hard way.
Again, I must mention that if you guys like Brutuses to lead you, you will forever be on the wrong path. Until you get rid of the present batch of leaders I cannot do much to help you further. Some things have to come from within each of you. I will not take away the riches that I have endowed upon your country, but then, neither will I add to that richness if you people do not help yourselves. I'm sure you heard of the oft-quoted "God help those who help themselves". I'm very patient, and I can definitely wait. After all, my 1minute = your 1 millennium.
But if you wish to see positive change, take the initiative to act now. Reach out to your fellow Malaysians and get them to see the goodness in each other. Repulse and reject any of your fellow Malaysians who tell you to only see the difference in the skin colors. I reveal to you now (what the rest of the world already knows) that I played with the different skin colors just for diversity's sake .... maybe I was bored ..... but beneath all that, the basic components are EXACTLY the same.
I will work in my own way for the ultimately good in the end, but remember, don't wait for me to do my work. I follow a different timing system. But I allow you all to control your own destiny, so help yourselves .... then I will come and help you. My parting advice right now, is 'get rid of the entrenched system of patronage, seize the opportunities for change, and dare to make that change. I'm watching .....'.
I bless!
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