Monday, October 26, 2009
Ghosts Of Murders Past

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Two From Galilee: A Story About Life's Purpose

The Nut Graph 23 Oct 09 : 3.25PM
CHORAL group The Canticle Singers presents a fresh restaging of Two From Galilee, a musical written by Robert Sterling and Karla Worley, in Kuala Lumpur from today, 23 Oct to 1 Nov 2009.
Two From Galilee is the fictitious account of the Biblical characters Mary and Joseph, a young couple in love who are forced to deal with circumstances beyond their expectations. Confronted with a hostile world and a heavy responsibility, they fight to fulfill their dreams despite being fraught with doubt and shame. Life, they learn, is more than just about love — it is about purpose.
Despite the religious source material, musical director HK Chong is confident that the show will appeal to a wide audience. "There will always be quarters who will see it as religious ... [but] you will find many novels, plays or musicals that are built around folklore, legends and historical events. Biblical events are also historical."
The show is based on a novel of the same title by Marjorie Holmes, which was on the New York Times 1972 bestseller list and one of the top 10 bestselling novels that year. The musical played at the Peter J Sharpe Theatre atSymphony Space on Broadway in 2006, and has since been staged in many countries.
Two From Galilee runs at Panggung Bandaraya, Jalan Raja, Kuala Lumpur. Tickets are priced at RM38 and RM58 and can be purchased through Axcess (Tel: 603 7711 5000).
Net proceeds from the production will go to the St Barnabas Home for Children and The Tondo Community Project, in aid of the transient community living at a garbage site in Tondo, Manila.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Press Release: Upholding and Enforcing the Solicitors’ Remuneration Order

Friday, October 16, 2009
Rights Of The Unborn

By Wong Fook Meng
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Hakim Bebaskan RPK Naik Pangkat

(Harakah Daily) - Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam yang membebaskan Raja Petra Kamarudin dari tahanan ISA, Yang Arif Datuk Syed Ahmad Helmy, dinaikkan pangkat ke Mahkamah Rayuan.
Beliau menerima watikah perlantikan dari Yang Dipertuan Agung, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin hari ini.
Syed Helmi dianggap sebagai hakim yang berani menukar undang-undang ketika beliau mengadili kes harbeus corpus Raja Petra yang ditahan di bawah ISA itu
Ini kerana, sebelum kes ini semua tahu Menteri Dalam Negeri boleh berbuat apa sahaja untuk menahan mana-mana pihak di bawah ISA dan tidak boleh dipersoalkan oleh mahkamah.
Namun, Yang Arif Syed Helmi telah menukar 'undang-undang' ini dengan berkata mahkamah berhak untuk menyemak adakah menteri melakukan sebarang kesalahan dalam melaksanakan kuasa yang diberikan kepadanya.
Penghakiman beliau ini telah disifatkan sebagai 'mengubah undang-undang' oleh seorang blogger dan penulis terkenal Art Harun dalam blognya.
Raja Petra dibebaskan kerana beliau didapati tidak menjejaskan keselamatan dalam negara dengan hanya menulis di dalam laman web.
Monday, October 5, 2009
H1N1 & Cervical Cancer Vaccines Not Entirely Harmless

Recently, there has been some urgency by the Ministry of Health to purchase vaccines for the influenza A H1N1 pandemic, in view of the threat of a second phase.
While this move is with good intentions, it may be wise for the Ministry to proceed with caution as this Influenza A H1N1 vaccine is not entirely harmless.
The treatment must not be worse then the disease itself. If the flu virus A H1N1 remains as such, is there a need to mass vaccinate? Is it not better to maintain good health and personal hygiene.
Furthermore, vaccines prepared in a hurry may not have been well tested to make sure that it is safe enough. There is also the issue of the target virus, which at the moment is still not obvious, so that at the end of the day, the vaccines may not protect against the offending virus and may in fact give a false sense of security.
Already to date, there are more than 20 reported cases of resistance to H1N1 vaccines and this number is rising, especially in Australia, Denmark, Canada, United States, China and even across our shores in Singapore.
Most of the cases have occurred in people who were given the drug either to prevent infection after exposure to the virus or as treatment.
There are also many documented accounts of sides effects from flu vaccines. In 1976, Washington rushed in a mass immunization program against a similar swine flu outbreak that was confined to a single military base.
Several hundred cases of a rare, lethal, paralyzing neurological disease called Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) were reported afterwards from previous experience of mass vaccination as well as the Gulf War Syndrome.
Although the H1N1 vaccine now close to completion is different from the one used in 1976, the British Government’s Health Protection Agency said the earlier incident nevertheless highlighted a possible area of concern.
Similarly with the vaccine for cervical cancer. Though initial results with this vaccine is impressive in the reduction of pre-cancerous cervical lesions after three years of clinical trial, its long term side effects is yet unknown. One has to only google up HPV vaccine deaths to know of the short term risks present with mass immunization program.
At the same time, vaccinating 13 year olds in the prevention of a sexually transmitted disease has its social implications, not excluding promiscuity and a false sense of security, therefore indulging in more sex?
Is there a need to mass vaccinate 13year olds against pre-cervical cancer? Is it not better to improve cancer awareness and educate the females in the risk group to undergo the time-tried pap smear in the prevention of cancer of the cervix.
In any case, at the end of the day, it should the patient’s choice of how they wish to be treated or protected but as physicians, we must always remember, first do no harm.