Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Did Jesus actually die on the cross?

The Ahmadiyya movement which began in Pakistan in 1879, has taught that Jesus was taken down from the cross before he actually died and later revived in a tomb. He then escaped from Jerusalem and travelled towards India to continue his ministry among the Lost tribes of Israel. Jesus completed his mission, died a natural death and was buried in Srinagar, Kashmir. 

Question: Is it possible that Jesus did not die on the cross?

Extracted from an interview conducted by reporter Lee Strobel to seek the expert opinion of Dr. Alexander Metherell, M.D. (University of Miami of Florida) and PH.D in Engineering (University of Bristol) [Strobel, 198-208].

After the Last Supper, Jesus went with his disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives. He prayed all night anticipating the events of the next day. He knew the suffering he has to endure. Naturally, he was experiencing a great deal of psychological stress (Matthew 36:28, Mark 14:33) and he began to sweat blood (Luke 22:44). This is known rare medical condition called “hematidrosis”.

This condition made Jesus’ skin to be extremely fragile. When Jesus was flogged by the Roman soldier the next day, the pain was intensified.  Roman floggings were designed to be terribly brutal. The soldier would use a whip of braided leather thongs with metal balls and pieces of sharp bones woven into them. When the whip strike the flesh, the metal balls would cause deep bruises or contusions, which will break open with further blows. The sharp bones would cut the flesh severely. The back would be so shredded that part of the spine was exposed by the deep cuts. According to 3rd century historian, Eusebius, the sufferer’s veins were laid bare; the muscles, sinews and bowels were open to exposure. Many people would die from this kind of beating even before they could be crucified. Jesus would have experienced tremendous pain and gone into hypovolemic shock (effects of losing large amount of blood).

Jesus was in hypovolemic shock when he staggered up the road to the execution site, carrying the beam of the cross. He collapsed and Simon was ordered to carry the cross for him. Jesus was in critical condition at this stage.

At the Calvary, Jesus was laid down and his hands would have been nailed in outstretched position to the horizontal beam. The Romans used spikes that were 5 to 7 inches long and tapered to a sharp point. The nails were driven to the wrists, the solid position that would lock the hand (contrary to traditional belief that the nails pierced his palms). The nail will crush the median nerve, the largest nerve going out to the hand. The pain was excruciating.

Then Jesus was hoisted as the crossbar was attached to the vertical stake. Nails were driven through his feet. Again the nerves in his feet would have been crushed and caused excruciating pain. The effects of hanging from the cross: both arms would have been stretched and both shoulders would have been dislocated.

Crucifixion is an agonizingly slow death by asphyxiation. The stresses on the Jesus’ muscles and diaphragm put the chest into the inhaled position. To exhale, Jesus must push up on his feet to ease the tension on the muscles for a moment. In doing so, the nail would tear through the feet, eventually locking up against the tarsal bones. After exhale, Jesus would be able to relax down and take another breath in. The push up and relax down would scraped Jesus’ bloodied back against the coarse wood of the cross. This would go on until complete exhaustion would take and Jesus would not be able to push up and breathe anymore.

As Jesus slowed down his breathing, he would have gone into respiratory acidosis—the carbon dioxide in his blood would have been dissolved as carbonic acid, would have caused the acidity of the blood to increase. Eventually, this would have led to irregular heartbeat. The hypovolemic shock would have caused a sustained rapid heart rate that would have contributed to heart failure resulting in pericardial and pleural effusions (collection of fluid in the membrane around the heart and lungs).

When the Roman soldier thrust a spear into Jesus’ side, the spear apparently went through the lung and (if it was on his right side) through the heart as well. When the spear was pulled out, the gospel of John’s description of “a sudden flow of blood and water” (John 19:34) matches the condition where the fluid from pericardial and pleural effusions came out. John probably had no idea why he saw “blood and water” yet the description is consistent with modern medicine.

There was absolutely no doubt that Jesus was dead.

When the Roman soldiers came and found that Jesus was already dead, they did not break his legs as they have done to the other 2 criminals who were nailed beside Jesus (John 19:32—33). With the special Sabbath coming, the Jews did not want the bodies left on the crosses. They asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down (John 19:31). The breaking of the legs was to speed up death. The Romans would use the steel shaft of a short spear to shatter the sufferer’s lower leg bones. This would prevent him from pushing up with his legs so he could breathe. Death by asphyxiation would result in a matter of minutes. Jesus’ legs were not broken because the soldiers had already determined that he was dead.

These Roman soldiers were experienced and well-trained, experts in killing people. If a prisoner escaped, the responsible soldiers would be put to death themselves, so they had to make absolutely sure that every prisoner was dead when he was removed from the cross. The Roman soldier who pierced Jesus’ side with a spear later testified to the early believers and they found it to be true (John 19:34-35).

Resources: “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel (1998); “The Cross and the Crescent” by Colin Chapman (1995); “On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ” by William D. Edwards, Journal of the American Medical Association (21 March 1986); “Crucify Him” by Dale Foreman (1990); “Crucifixion in the Ancient World” by M. Hengel (1977); “The Resurrection Factor” by Josh McDowell (1981).

The fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy (6th-century BCE), link here: http://www.biblestudytools.com/isaiah/53.html

Independent historical source: 1st century Romano-Jewish historian Flavius Josephus (not a follower of Jesus Christ) recorded references on Jesus and the origins of Christianity:

"Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day."

Sunday, January 27, 2013

#RCISabah: Pride comes before destruction

By Mariam Mokhtar. Published by Malaysiakini on 21 January 2013.

According to one Sabahan, there is so much crime in Sabah that squatter houses, too, have grilles on the doors and windows, and that these cost more than the houses themselves.

For four decades, ordinary Sahabans have been angered by illegal immigration and the social and economic problems associated with it, such as a shortage of housing, a lack of employment and educational opportunities, high levels of crime and massive overcrowding. 

Despite the limited terms of reference of the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) ordered by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, the RCI has revealed disturbing aspects of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's bid to remain in power. Soon, the RCI will be overshadowed by the side-show that Mahathir may have helped arrange. 

The star-performer is the self-styled motivational guru Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Syed Shah Miskin (right). One wonders if Zohra has replaced the virgin queen, Ummi Hafilda Ali, who used to come to Mahathir's aid and helped distract the rakyat with golden showers and salacious revelations. 

There was once a time when the government would detain reporters and send them to Kamunting, ostensibly for their own safety. Zohra was denied this privilege because Najib has abolished the ISA. Last week, Zohra bowed to overwhelming pressure and heeded police advice to cancel her seminar on ‘How to Make Your First Million'. 

I can give you the gist of the RM200 seminar. It is an open secret that the first million is easy to make; join Umno, then claw your way to the top by backstabbing and badmouthing everyone who stands in your way. 

There are tell-tale signs that that you have "made it" and joined the Umno elite. In the election canvassing that takes place every five years, Umno delivers bags of rice to the masses, but the Umno elite receive Birkin bags. 

Households that qualify are given a one-off payment of RM500 (and possibly another RM500 if the situation demands it) but the elite get several million ringgit in hard cash, stuffed in suitcases. 

The poor may get a discount on their smartphones, but the elite are given the contracts to sell the phones. 

The rakyat may be given tins of powdered milk as freebies during canvassing, but elite members are given millions of ringgit to buy a few cows and many luxury condominiums. 

Zohra has not much in humility

A video of the shameful conduct of Zohra emerged a month after the incident. Despite the public opprobrium which she received, Zohra showed everyone that she is miskin by name and miskin (poor) by nature. 

She lacks the intellect to reflect on her poor behaviour. She did not have much in the way of humility. She displayed an inferior understanding of people's feelings and she was a poor communicator. 

Instead of eating the humble pie, she has become more arrogant and haughty. Instead of acknowledging that she was tactless and rude, Zohra issued a statement from her hiding place, in which she declined to apologise but "forgave" KS Bawani, the student who suffered Zohra's acid tongue. 

This incident should have been a temporary frenzy and yes, we are angry because it is obvious that Zohra's behaviour is unacceptable. Some Umno leaders and members of the BN coalition have distanced themselves from her, but it appears that Zohra is determined to prolong this crisis into a full blown affair. 

The reason must be to take our attention away from Mahathir's alleged crimes in the Sabah votes for citizenship fiasco. 

Just a few months ago, Najib outlined the terms of reference for the Sabah RCI. Many have criticised the RCI for its limited scope and because its findings will not be revealed before GE13.

If the RCI proves that Umno won elections by fraud and cheating, it brings into doubt the legitimacy of this and previous Umno/BN governments. By cheating, Umno has disenfranchised the people of Malaysia and forced us to wait until GE13 to gain our choice of ruling party. 

Proof of fraud and cheating will confirm that Umno/BN should not be the current government. Will the RCI be another whitewash or will its members seek to save their own skins, by leaving the sinking Umno ship? 

As the extent of Mahathir's Project IC is slowly being revealed, the importance of this RCI is increasing. 

Mahathir won't go without a fight

Just as Mahathir thought he had undermined Najib, his hopes were damned. So he tried to deflect some of the rakyat's abhorrence of Project IC, by tarnishing the name of Tunku Abdul Rahman, the Father of Independence. 

Will the RCI bring about the fall of Mahathir? No. He may have cut a pathetic figure recently but he will not go without a fight. Although the rakyat have a strong case against him, Mahathir has too many people in his pockets. They owe their success to him and he will call in his favours. 

The rakyat is leading the opposition fight to topple the Mahathir regime, but their wish will not be fulfilled, just yet. 

Both Najib and Mahathir are locked in a deadly battle. Najib cannot bring about Mahathir's fall, because to do so would bring the fight right to his front door. He, like Mahathir, has a dirty past. The best Najib can do is to hold out for a few more months. 

If Najib were to destroy Mahathir now, it would start a media frenzy, which would eclipse the one Zohra is facing today. 

Zohra's gaffe has caused quite a stir. She tried to put on a brave face and refused to apologise, thus avoiding an admission of guilt. Ironically, her intransigence has damaged Umno by rallying the rakyat to vote for the opposition.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

If tossing pig heads into suraus won’t do it, then distribute Bibles to Muslims?

Posted on 24 January 2013 by The People's Parliament.
August, 2009, they tried to agitate the Hindu community into reacting to a cow head protest in Shah Alam.
Our  Hindu brothers and sisters did not fall for it.
January, 2010, arson attacks on churches.
Christians also not reacting like with like.
So they decided to ‘do the dirty’ for the Christians.
UMNO / PERKASA or their paid underlings desecrated suraus.
January, 2012, 5 pig heads outside the front entrance of the Masjid Al Falah in Taman Desa Jaya, Johor Bahru. FMT has the report HERE.
And now, at the height of the “Allah” controversy, Chinese Christians distributing Bibles to Muslim students?
In Penang, at that?
“…at about 1.30pm on Jan 17, the individual who lodged the report said while he was in his office and a Malay man had informed him that bibles were being distributed outside SMK Jelutong, Lorong Sekolah.
“The complainant then went to the scene and discovered that it was true. From the information received, three Chinese men and a woman who came in a car were found distributing the bibles randomly to students after the morning school session had ended,” he added.
The complainant, who was given a Bible by one of the students, then lodged a police report at the Jelutong police station” - Penang police chief Abdul Rahim Hanafi in a statement issued two nights ago, and reported by Malaysiakini.
Firstly, I cannot imagine anyone stupid enough to, at the present time, go out in broad daylight to do this, when this controversy is still raging.
And even if you had to  do it in broad daylight, surely you’d be careful enough to not be spotted.
I mean, if we were able to ABU the ferry terminal in Labuan in broad daylight without being spotted, surely anyone wanting to carry this distribution exercise would take enough caution too?
Whether you and I and everyone else reading this and in cyberspace believes this, or sees it as an UMNO / PERKASA effort to agitate the Malays, is unimportant.
First, please see that in the Malaysiakini report, the Penang CPO said that  “Investigation papers have been referred to the state deputy prosecutor yesterday and further instructions have been received for the police to complete the probe”.
Presumably, the probe had not as yet been completed then.
And no one has as yet been charged, nor is there anything in the police statement to suggest that the alleged perpetrators have been identified.
Now do you see the mischief in the statement issued by the police?
Why, at this stage of the investigation, mention the ethnicity of the alleged distributors?
Three Chinese men and a woman.
Distributing Bibles to Muslim students.
In Penang.
I’m pretty sure that, in the end, no one will be charged.
This incident, even if it did factually take place, in my honest belief, has, like so many others in the past, been contrived by UMNO and / or PERKASA, not to impact you and I, but those who do not have access to the alternative news.
Courtesy of the police statement issued, Utusan, Berita Harian, RTM and TV3 now have enough fodder to run the story that 4 Chinese Christians were distributing Bibles to Muslim students in Penang.
And guess what?
Unless someone bothers to take the truth as we all know it to the Malay heartlands, many pakcik, makcik and adik-adik out there are going to fall for this.
You really want to see the end of UMNO / BN in Putrajaya post the 13th GE?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Anwar menang saman terhadap Utusan

Oleh Aisha Geoffrey. Diterbitkan oleh Keadilan Daily.

KUALA LUMPUR 21 Januari 2013: Ketua Umum KEADILAN, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim hari ini menang kes saman fitnah RM50 juta terhadap Utusan Melayu Bhd dan ketua pengarangnya berhubung artikel berkaitan temu bualnya yang disiarkan oleh BBC tahun lalu. Keputusan penghakiman itu dibacakan Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur, Datuk VT Singham di sini pagi ini.

Utusan didapati bersalah memfitnah Anwar kerana menuduh beliau menyokong pergerakan lesbian, gay, biseksual dan transeksual (LGBT). Singham memutuskan artikel itu bersifat fitnah dan bertujuan menjatuhkan reputasi Anwar sebagai pemimpin politik. Beliau berkata, keputusan itu dibuat kerana mengambil kira fakta dan bukti yang dibentangkan sepanjang perbicaraan, menunjukkan Utusan dipunyai oleh Umno.

“Artikel tersebut adalah terpesong, tidak tepat dan di luar maksud yang diperkatakan,” kata Singham dalam penghakimannya. Keputusan itu merujuk artikel bertajuk ‘Tolak Anwar-Hassan’ yang disiarkan muka depan akhbar kawalan Umno itu pada 17 Januari 2012.

Anwar memfailkan fitnah terhadap Utusan dan Ketua Pengarangnya, Datuk Abdul Aziz Ishak 20 Januari tahun lalu, yang didakwanya telah mencetak dan menerbitkan berita berhubung komen beliau bersama BBC mengenai undang-undang berkaitan dengan homoseksual.

“Mahkamah berpuas hati (dalam artikel tersebut) bahawa ini adalah fitnah kepada plaintif,” kata Singham. Menurutnya, Utusan tidak mengamalkan kewartawanan yang bertanggungjawab. Sedangkan katanya, defendan mempunyai peluang untuk membetulkan fakta selepas Anwar menghantar notis peguam untuk keterangan.

“Wartawan dan editor mempunyai hak untuk menyiarkan berita, tapi bukan fitnah, atau berita palsu,” tempelak Singham dalam penghakimannya. Katanya, hakim memainkan peranan penting dalam memastikan kebebasan badan kehakiman.

“Keadilan perlu dilaksanakan tanpa dipengaruhi mana-mana pihak mahupun parti politik, semua keputusan perlulah selari dengan fakta yang dibentangkan,” jelas Singham. Beliau mengarahkan Utusan membayar gantirugi kos sebanyak RM45,000 kepada Anwar manakala pampasan damage (teruk) ditetapkan ke satu tarikh kemudian.

#RCISabah: Citizenship-for-votes probe stirs outrage

By Julia Zappei. Published by Free Malaysia Today on 23 January 2013.

For years, charges have swirled that a secret Malaysian scheme gave citizenship to huge numbers of illegal migrants in a politically important state in exchange for votes for the ruling coalition. Now, an inquiry is finally airing detailed allegations that have the government on the defensive ahead of elections that pose the greatest threat yet faced by the ruling bloc that has controlled Malaysia for 56 years.

A Royal Commission of Inquiry opened last week with ex-officials admitting they gave citizenship to Filipinos and Indonesians in resource-rich Sabah, one of two Malaysian states on jungly Borneo island. One former official said some 100,000 identity cards (ICs) were handed out in 1993 ahead of a crucial state election, Malaysian news reports said. Another admitted signing hundreds of thousands of ICs in the 1990s.

The testimony has revived accusations of treason against former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who is alleged to have masterminded the scheme to shore up support for his government. As head of the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition, Mahathir dominated Malaysia for 22 years with his famously hardball political tactics until he resigned in 2003.

Current prime minister Najib Tun Razak is now battling to rally support for the BN ahead of polls he is expected to call within months, in an era when the coalition’s power grip has slipped. But outrage over “Project IC”, as the alleged scheme is widely known, is undercutting his claims that the national electoral roll is free of fraud.

The opposition and election-reform advocates allege massive fraud in voter rolls nationwide and have seized on the testimony as proof of government vote-tampering. “What we are concerned about is that this is still going on. That’s what we want to stop,” S Ambiga, head of the clean-elections activist coalition known as “Bersih”, or “Clean”, told a press conference Tuesday.

The outlines of “Project IC” have been whispered about for three decades and have bolstered the view of Sabah as a reliable “fixed deposit” of votes for the BN to help it weather challenges elsewhere. The government allegedly targeted Muslims from neighbouring Indonesia and the predominantly Muslim southern Philippines.

Sudden growth in population

More than half of Malaysia’s 29 million people are Muslim ethnic Malays, but indigenous tribes, many of them Christian, predominate in Sabah. They have bridled at the foreigners, blaming them for crime, drug abuse and economic competition, and alleging their homeland was being stolen.

Najib last June gave in to calls for an inquiry, but the move could backfire, said Ibrahim Suffian, head of independent polling firm Merdeka Centre, calling the revelations “explosive”. “It probably will create a wave of resentment and dissatisfaction among native Sabah voters. This confirms their worst fears,” he said.

The population of Sabah, a region of rugged mountains and powerful rainforest rivers that is about the size of Ireland, has surged from some 600,000 citizens in 1970 to more than three million — more than double the national growth rate.

Malaysia’s opposition alleges some 700,000 may have illegally received ICs. A one-time battleground state, Sabah has been pro-BN since the mid-1990s. The once all-powerful BN suffered a shock setback in 2008 national elections, and analysts predict a close fight with a formidable opposition led by Anwar Ibrahim, a former deputy premier, raising fears that government fraud could play a role.

Najib insists the national electoral system is clean and has highlighted recent reforms such as plans to use indelible ink to prevent multiple voting. “Let the commission do its work and find out,” Najib was quoted as saying by state media, warning against a rush to judgement in Sabah.

Mahathir, still a vocal and influential conservative figure, has denied the existence of “Project IC,” but admitted at a press conference last week that foreigners in Sabah were given citizenship, saying no laws were broken. No one has yet directly implicated him before the commission, but witnesses said last week they were directed by officials close to Mahathir. There has been no testimony yet suggesting “Project IC” was still active.

Hearings will continue for weeks, with some 170 witnesses expected to testify. The commission has until late March to investigate. The commission’s final recommendations are not legally binding, but could lead to pressure for a crackdown on illegals. -AFP


Related reports:

Two of Mahathir's closest confidantes - Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin, his political secretary at that time, and Megat Junid, the late former Deputy home Minister - were implicated by witnesses who testified before the RCI a day ago.

"After receiving instructions from then-Sabah NRD chief Abdul Rauf Sani, we were ordered to go to KL and were placed at Pak Aziz Shamsuddin's residence in Kampung Pandan," Malaysiakini reported Yakup Damsah, who was the Tamparuli NRD chief at that time, as saying.

According to Yakup, they were tasked to sign the identity cards that were to be issued to the immigrants, which were subsequently laminated at the NRD headquarters in Petaling Jaya and shipped to the Kota Kinabalu NRD for distribution. "We were briefed about our special assignment by a person not known to us, named 'Mat Nor'. He told us to issue blue identity cards to the immigrants," Yakup added.

He told the RCI his group signed a total of 40,000 blue identity cards within a month, based on the filled up application forms provided to them. "We did not look at the forms in detail, we just signed... We know that they were immigrants, mostly Indonesians and Filipinos, but we did not know whether they were legal immigrants or not," he said.

Yakup also said the intent of their action was to increase the number of Muslim voters in Sabah and to ensure that these people would vote for Umno in the 1994 Sabah state election.

As for the late Megat Junid, former Sabah NRD Ramli Kamaruddin told the RCI  he received personal instructions from the deputy home minister to issue identity card receipts to immigrants using the details of people who were already in the electoral roll but had never voted before...

"These are the real traitors of the country. People who sell citizenship for the sake of political power," Azmin slammed Mahathir and the latter's Umno party.


Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim said he would have no problem testifying in the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) probing the ‘Project IC’ in Sabah. “I have no problem whatsoever. I knew for a long time the project was under the prime minister, that it did not involve a Cabinet process, so it is the full responsibility of the prime minister and finance minister.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Burn #Alkitab Day on Jan 27?

By G Vinod. Published by Free Malaysia Today on 22 January 2013.
Bishop Ng Moon Hing, executive secretary of the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM), said a copy of the flyer was found in the mailbox of a Christian priest residing in Butterworth. The flyer, printed by a group called Pasukan Bertindak Anti Bible Bahasa Melayu (Anti-Malay-Bible Action Force), urges Muslims to join in the “Malay Bible burning festivities” scheduled at 10am.
“Our children and grandchildren will end up being apostates if you want to wait for our impotent government to act,” reads the flyer. “To Muslims who have copies of al-Kitab, bring them over to make our Bible burning session merrier.” It says Sunday has been chosen for the burning because “that’s the day Christians go to church to pray to their gods.”
Ng described all religious scriptures as “valuable” and said no one should threaten to desecrate a holy book in any manner. “CFM abhors this action, which was first proposed by Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali,” he said. “Now this group has decided to make it a reality on a sacred day for Christians.”
He said Christians were peace loving people who would always strive to bring harmony and peace to multi-religious Malaysia.
He alleged that extremist groups planning such “vile acts” were doing so only to score political brownie points. “We pray that good sense will prevail during these trying times. May the Lord confound the plans made by these irresponsible people.”
Perkasa’s Ibrahim, in calling for the burning of Bibles last Saturday, alleged that Christians were provoking the Muslims by using Arabic religious terms in their scripture. The call drew brickbats from both opposition and Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties.

Related reports:
Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali has called on Muslims to seize and burn copies of Bibles which contain the term “Allah” or other Arabic religious words.
“Muslims must unite to protect their religion. They must seize those Bibles, including the Malay editions, which contained the term Allah and other Arabic religious terms, and burn them.
“This is the way to show our anger against disrespect to our sensitivity,” he told a press conference after delivering his presidential speech at a Perkasa convention here today.

Selangor state lawmaker Hasan Ali today supported Ibrahim Ali’s struggle to uphold the word “Allah” for Muslims but disagreed with the latter’s call to burn Bibles.
The president of NGO Jati said the Perkasa chief’s call on Saturday for Muslims to burn Bibles using the word “Allah” was not intended to stir violence but was just “a reflection of anger”.
The Attorney-General’s (A-G) Chambers will only act on Perkasa president, Ibrahim Ali’s controversial call to burn copies of the Malay Bibles if the books are actually burnt.
According to a civil liberties lawyer, Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali’s speech on the Allah issue on Saturday was a hate speech and contravened the Penal Code and Sedition Act.
“Ibrahim Ali may have committed several offences under Sections 298 and 505 of the Penal Code,” said Syahredzan Johan.
Section 298 states that it is an offence to utter words that deliberately wound religious feelings. If found guilty, an offender can be imprisoned for a year, or fined or both.
Section 505 meanwhile states that it is an offence to make statements that that are conducing public mischief. Those found guilty under this section can be imprisoned for a span of two years, fined or both.


“This statement by Ibrahim is an incitement or abetment to commit criminal offence under Section 107 of the Penal Code, whilst the seizure and burning of bibles is an offence under Section 441 of the Penal Code,” Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee said.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, which believes and acts on the true teachings of Islam and promotes peace, love, tolerance and mutual respect towards all mankind, strongly rejects and condemns this violence towards the Malaysian Christian Community. The very idea that Allah or any other religious term should be reserved only for Muslims is absurd.
The Ahmadiyya Community also strongly supports the court’s decision to grant Christians the right to use the word Allah to refer to God.

We, in the Muslim Times stand for the religious freedom for everyone.  I suggest that the Christians can start using web-based version of the Bible to demonstrate the small mindedness of the Sultan to the whole world. They should host their Bible, with the world ‘Allah,’ free of charge in the Muslim Times, until the Sultan begins to respect the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights.


In a joint statement, Aliran, Sisters in Islam, Islamic Renaissance Front and Projek Dialog have condemned Perkasa’s call to burn Malay-language Bibles as an abominable provocation.

We are appalled by the vile exhortation of right-wing Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali to fellow Muslims to burn Malay-language Bibles containing the word “Allah” in the continuing saga of the contentious use of the term in Malaysia.
This dangerous and reckless provocation will only court the zealotry of the bigots and consequently tear apart the existing fragile harmony among Malaysians of various ethnic and religious backgrounds. Religious conflicts do not get resolved amicably and effectively by rabble rousing and dangerous antics such as the proposed torching of the holy books of believers.
The alleged distribution of Malay Bibles to Muslim children in a secondary school in Penang – yet to be verified – may have understandably caused deep concern among the Muslim community and requires immediate investigation, but it certainly doesn’t justify the burning of the Holy Bible. The provocation is mischievously intended to ignite hatred and extremism.
An understanding and appreciation of non-Muslim communities, which is so necessary for unity and harmony, cannot be promoted effectively by committing a sacrilegious act of burning holy books that are revered by their respective believers. In fact, this proposed act by Perkasa goes against the very teachings of most revealed religions including Islam.